To record this video of a Prezi, we used the online screen captioning tool Screenr. Screenr allowed us to capture video of what was happening on the screen while recording our voice over the top of the presentation. After registering a username, setting up the recording session was quick and easy and we were recording within seconds. Once we finished recording, the publishing process took about seven or 8 minutes for a video that was just over 4 minutes. After the publishing process, Screenr gave the video a web address so it could easily be posted in facebook, twitter, or a blog. Another advantage of Screenr is that it is completely online and doesn’t require any software download. This is important because many school computers do not allow users to install programs on their computers. My only complaint about Screenr is the quality of the final product. The video is extremely choppy compared to how it looked in Prezi. This may have been due to the speed of the computer or internet connection we were using since we were using both Prezi and Screenr simultaneously.
As I mentioned in a previous post, Screenr can be used to add voice to online PowerPoint presentations, making them much more useful for students to retrieve at a later time. Another application of Screenr in the classroom is to challenge students to create videos that demonstrate their knowledge in the content area. For example, an assignment in math could task the students with creating their own Screenr to demonstrate practical uses of the Pythagorean Theorem. This is useful because most students will be extra motivated when they have to produce a product.
I thoroughly enjoyed your Prezi presentation with full audio. Great Podcast. Thanks for sharing. BTW --- wasn't choppy at all.